Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Household Elf - Brownie Badge Homework


Do you offer your Brownies homework? Household Elf and My Great Day  are perfect ways to start!

I created a PDF so I could print it out as well as email it to parents of the badge requirements. I explained that it was completely optional and they had one month to complete it. But there was a due date so if they wanted a troop purchased badge, the tasks needed to be completed by the due date.

*Please complete at least 1 task per number (5 total tasks)

Brownies will earn their badge by learning how to make their home clean and green.

1. Save Energy

  •      Find out about three ways to use less energy, then plan with your family to be more efficient energy users. Being efficient means you’re careful to use only what you really need. 
    • Clean the lint filter after every dryer load
    • Wash with cold water instead of using energy to heat water.
    • Replace five regular lightbulbs with energy-saving ones, ,
  • Be "in charge" of making sure the lights are turned off when a room is empty.
  • Look for "vampire energy eaters", aka, things that are plugged in when not in use. Ask an adult to unplug it for you.

2. Save Water

  • Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth. 
    • Make a sign to put next to the sink to remind your family to do the same.
  • Take a shower instead of a bath for a week
  • Take timed or shorter showers for a week

3. Go Natural

  • Make a natural cleaner 
    • Mix 1 cup vinegar and 1 cup water in a spray bottle
    • Clean all mirrors and glass top tables in your home
    • Bonus: Clean the windows too

4. Reuse or recycle

  • Collect 20 leftover plastic bags and take them back to a store that recycles them
  • Use resources wisely and create a new, useful item out of leftover plastic bags
  • Help pack your lunch in reusable storage containers instead of plastic baggies
  • Gather clothing that is no longer worn and save it for donation  - Used the donations for our Philanthropist Badge

5. Clean the air

  • Plants filter the air naturally. Put a plant in your favorite room. For two weeks, notice if you can tell a difference in the air. Share your observations with an adult. 
  • For more fun: try growing the plant form a seed or decorate the plant pot – or both!

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Earning Badges on Your Own

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